By Teresa Buschur

Jesus Awareness Week


Several InterVarsity staff members went to Grand Valley State University-Allendale, Michigan to present the gospel and to train students in evangelism skills. The students hosted the first ever Jesus Awareness Week on campus.


Jesse Roselius, InterVarsity staff serving as part of a regional evangelism team, and Matt, a student from the chapter, went to one of the food courts on campus, hoping to talk with students about religion. As they entered, Jesse asked Matt who he thought they should approach. Jesse usually looked for the students sitting by themselves who didn’t look busy, but Matt suggested a young woman reading a copy of Readers Digest.



“Do you have a moment and would you care to discuss spiritual issues with us?” Jesse asked as he introduced himself.



“Sure,” Sara replied with a confused look on her face.



Jesse and Matt sat down across from Sara and told her about InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and some of their upcoming activities that she might be interested in.



“I’m trying to figure out who God is and who He should be in my life. I grew up going to church and believing in God, and now I’m in college studying Biology and trying to live a good life,” Sara told them.



Wanting to fully understand Sara’s point of view, Jesse asked her, “What is good? How do we know when we have done enough good for God?” Sara wasn’t sure, so Jesse asked her, “How sure are you, if you were to stand before God today, that He would let you into heaven?”



“About sixty percent,” Sara replied.



Jesse shared with Sara that the Bible teaches us that because of sin people are separated from God. But through accepting Jesus as our Savior, we are reconciled with God.



“I understand the gospel message of Jesus dying for our sins, but I don’t understand the following Jesus as the leader of our life part,” Sara told Jesse.



“When we accept Jesus as our Savior, Jesus is also asking us to turn from our sinful ways and make following him the priority in our life. According to the Bible, God says he will always remain faithful to his promises to us. Would you like to accept this now?” Jesse asked.



“Yes,” Sara replied.



Throughout Jesus Awareness Week, eleven other students also made first-time commitments to Christ.