
November 1, 2006

Deepening relationships and starting conversations

October 16, 2006

Even though InterVarsity's chapters at the University of Wisconsin-Superior and Georgetown University have officially been disaffiliated on their campuses, the chapters are still meeting. But, at the same time, their status remains precarious because they do not have official standing.

October 16, 2006

A short time after his father's death, Joe was sitting on the water's edge in front of his parent's home, and as he says, "I gave myself an evangelistic sermon, complete with an altar call. I responded to that altar call, making Jesus my Lord and Savior."

October 16, 2006

My faith journey with God began in the early 1950s. From those first days of this new journey, I was encouraged to engage the scriptures as a source of instruction, encouragement, worship and spiritual food. Over the past five decades that process with the Bible has been a long term, ever-changing experience. Even though its content never changes, this book has seemed as six different books in my journey.

October 16, 2006

This calendar offers an idea of the opportunities available to continue your support of InterVarsity in your area and across the country. These events offer opportunities for volunteering and for prayer.
