
April 13, 2006

Last year, all 800 students in the Governor's residence hall at the University at Buffalo woke up on the Tuesday after Easter to find colored plastic Easter eggs outside their doors. Inside each egg was a piece of candy, a Scripture verse, and an invitation to an InterVarsity sponsored game night.

March 30, 2006
InterVarsity graduate students and faculty members meet annually at the University of Illinois
March 27, 2006

When college students pursue justice, they find Jesus is already there

March 16, 2006

The title of the recent Multiethnic staff conference, Hope, Grace, Journey, reflects the desire of InterVarsity leadership to understand multiethnic ministry as a pilgrimage. According to several staff who attended the conference, God has given grace and hope to InterVarsity staff as they travel with God in learning to love and value one another.

March 15, 2006

As I experienced the vibrant worship and strong message at the Northwestern University chapter meeting, I remembered the chapter from years past and saw God's sustaining grace.

March 15, 2006

InterVarsity has long been concerned about racial and multiethnic justice. Now there is a new book from InterVarsity Press that offers help with these social issues.

March 15, 2006

When Benton James left home to attend college, he had missed his family, but found Christian fellowship in InterVarsity. That fellowship taught him lessons that he carried into his life after college.
