Christopher K. Lee

Christopher K. Lee is an InterVarsity alumnus from Southern California. He often speaks at colleges about work, meaning, and identity. He writes a weekly newsletter at

By Christopher K. Lee

We've bought into misguided cultural narratives about faith. Rather than being the light of the world, reflecting God's perfect radiance, our light is filtered through our cultural lenses.

By Christopher K. Lee

To prevent drifting, we must stay close to Jesus and his Church. We must abide in him and hold fast to community. We must take up our cross and follow daily.

By Christopher K. Lee

Perhaps you're a freshman or sophomore who needs to declare a major soon. You're overwhelmed by the options and need guidance on where to start. Or you know what you want but seek reassurance. Here are a few perspectives that may help.

By Christopher K. Lee

But having had several great mentors and having mentored many students myself, I find that there’s something even more fundamental: A mentor is someone who helps you see more clearly — and in doing so helps you become wise.

By Christopher K. Lee

Jesus' humility stood out. Here are five lessons on how we can be humble leaders as Jesus shows us in the Last Supper.

By Christopher K. Lee

The greatest challenge to our evangelism isn’t a hedonistic culture or a relativistic worldview. Nor is it scientific reasoning or religious pluralism. It’s our own faithless witness.

By Christopher K. Lee

“How long have you been working here?” I tried to make small talk with the technician.

“Almost 20 years, ever since this place opened,” responded the man.

By Christopher K. Lee

A man entrusted money to three servants. He assigned five bags of gold to the first, two to the second, and one to the last. 
