
By Drew Larson

To Jesus the shepherd, we have names. When he calls to us, he calls with a voice whose clearest frequencies are friendship and intimacy, and whose resonance is so full of goodness that when we hear it, we want to follow. 

By Emily Baez, Hannah Keziah Agustin, Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp and Drew Larson

We believe everyone should join InterVarsity! Here are five reasons.

By Drew Larson

Behind Good Friday’s violence lies something more startling and, in some ways, even closer to our daily experience: Good Friday’s boredom. 

By Steve Tamayo

Each of us wears cultural lenses. Our culture lenses shape our worldview, our relationships, our behavior … even the way we read the Bible.

By Rick Mattson

So just what is the Bible? Where did it come from?

By Drew Larson

Psalm 131 invites us out of life as a tug-of-war with God into one where his desires, wants, longings for us (and the world) are not competing against ours but are grander, better, simply more. There is indeed a desire asymmetry between us and God, but not like we think — we can’t out-want God.


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