
By Jonathan Rice

The Bible takes sin seriously. And none of us can save ourselves from sin or acquit ourselves of guilt. But thanks be to God, Jesus Christ gave us a remedy for our sin and a way to experience the progressive healing of our corrupt human nature.

By Bridget Gee

Last October, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. My mom came upstairs and sat on my bed to share the news with me early one Saturday morning when I was home for a weekend visit.

By Katie Ziegler

Have you ever put money in a vending machine and then had the bag of chips get stuck? It’s an infuriating experience, and hardly matters that I’ve only lost about 50 cents.

By Jonathan Rice

We are all different. We have different physiques, intellects, and temperaments.

By Steve Tamayo

Let me be blunt: Jesus is not your superstar. He’s not going to bring glitter or glamor or bedazzle your life. He’s not here to entertain you. He’s not here to make your life more convenient or more comfortable.

By John Chrysostom

We invite you to reflect with countless Christians around the world on these beautiful words from early church father John Chrysostom as part of your Easter celebration.


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