
By Jason Gaboury

Misunderstanding is an ancient human and spiritual problem. Many of us have experienced some form of misunderstanding as we’ve negotiated college life.

By Nathan Peterson

Zacchaeus’s story is no less a miracle than the feeding of the 5,000 or the healing of the paralyzed man. For it’s the story— the miracle of a changed heart—that still resonates with us today.

By Drew Larson

The Light of the world, Christmas lights tell us, is not flickering aimlessly in the night. He came from somewhere and now awaits us somewhere. There is light ahead of us and light behind us.

By Drew Larson

Hands tell a story. And like my granddaddy, the story of the apostle Peter is also in his hands. It’s a story of four hands in two places, and a picture of the redemption that transforms our weakest moments.

By Drew Larson

The canon of Instagram Verses includes some bits of Scripture and excludes others. Left on the outside are verses that are equally hope-filled, soul-stirring, and heart-invigorating, yet just don’t “look” the part.

By Emily Baez

Anxiety is a monster, an intense, often debilitating monster. It can cripple us with fear and keep us from living our lives. If there ever was a time to call out the monster, it’s now.

By Nathan Peterson

As we remember our Lord and Savior’s sacrifice this Easter, take some time to reflect on these passages and questions. Pray for fresh eyes and an ability to place yourself within each passage. Read them more than once to fully soak them in. And may the Holy Spirit fill us all with a renewed sense of wonder and delight as we celebrate the empty tomb!

By Shawn Abraham

Just like the parable, EC “sold” what she had, so she could follow Jesus’s calling. She knew Jesus was the far greater treasure.

By Nathan Peterson

Suffice it to say, it seems like more than a few connections can be made between our situation and Jonah’s in-the-belly waiting.


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