
By Brenda Jo Wong

In college, I got a Bachelor of Science degree in recreation and leisure studies. I avoided anything and everything that was hard.

By Anne McCracken

The closer we resemble Jesus, the closer we are to being truly humble.

By Tom Lin

In a contentious and divided culture, abounding in fruit and abiding in Jesus are as important as ever. Here are four practices that can help us do both in the coming year.

By Paula Frances Price

Advent is full of the trappings of the coming of God. But often, among the church services, the charitable donations, and the renditions of “O Holy Night,” we miss God. Like Zechariah, we can be so busy creating space for God to dwell that we forget to prepare our own hearts.

By Brenda Jo Wong

In this “hurried life,” how can we find more time with God? And how can we go deeper with God this Advent season when shopping, parties, and Christmas events get added to an already packed schedule?

By Jason Gaboury

The Bible refers to death as a great enemy. In American culture, there are two ways we usually deal with death: denial and despair. But Scripture offers a different way.

By Paula Frances Price

I love being the center of attention. However, when I think my life is about me, I limit my ability to see the life God has called me to and I stop myself from having the courage to follow him on an amazing adventure.


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